“This scholarship has helped me immensely in my educational journey. I have been able to attend Auburn University and successfully transition into my Mechanical Engineering major. The scholarship offered to me has limited the time I have had to work to just summer, and has opened up time to not only get a 4.0 GPA in my studies, but get involved outside of classes. These activities include Improv, Emerge Leadership Program, Honors College/Week of Service, and the Financial Managment Association. Through the Auburn Honor Congress and Week of Service, I was able to focus on the unaddressed needs in our community, where we helped animals on the Story Book Farm, drove food collection for the Food Bank of East Alabama, and helped kids in the Reading is a Fundamental program. The college experience has been truly rewarding and I want to thank the Dolphin Scholarship Foundation for this investment in my future.”
Selected: 2022
Sponsor: LCDR William Wilkins, Jr. USN (Ret.)
College: Auburn University
Year: Junior
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Academic & Extracurricular Highlights:
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Robotics Club
- Pi Tau Sigma Honor Society
- Pumphrey Outstanding Pre-Engineering Student
- O’Neal Austin Best Student
- Milliken Summer Intersnhip Program
Scholarship: HM2 Charles Jeremiah Martin, USN Scholarship